IMDEA Networks announces its participation on the Erasmus Mundus Programme “TEAM”. This initiative will generate a network of excellence between Europe, Japan and Republic of Korea in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that summons up an international community of much-needed ICT skilled talent.

24 Oct 2014
Arturo Azcorra participated yesterday in a conference on 5G networks organized by the Telefónica Chair at the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Engineering.

21 Oct 2014
Dr. Sergey Gorinsky, a Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, has become the first European member of the international COMSNETS Association. Gorinsky has been invited to join its executive committee.

06 Oct 2014
Jim Kurose to head Computer & Information Science & Engineering Directorate of US National Science Foundation.

03 Oct 2014
Researchers at IMDEA Networks Institute and other international centers have presented improvements in the energy management of cloud computing centers, such as new models of energy consumption on the servers or ways to reduce the wire length. The developments are part of the inter-university project CLOUDS.

02 Oct 2014
Antonio Fernández Anta, Research Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, was invited to deliver a Keynote speech at the first Machine Learning Spain, held last September 23th in Madrid.

29 Sep 2014
To meet our everyday needs in an increasingly multifaceted technological world is a challenge that pushes researchers to find innovative tools using a multidisciplinary approach. We inhabit a globalized planet, made up of complex systems, where domains such as communications, business, healthcare, energy or transportation converge, interact and integrate. In this context, a thriving technology trend applies the concept of animal swarms or swarming to the development of complex systems that bridge the gap amongst disciplines as dissimilar as biology, robotics or networking.

25 Sep 2014
The ubiquity and flexibility of wireless access to the Internet played a very significant role in the tremendous growth in mobile devices such as smartphones, tablet PCs, and laptops over the past years.

23 Sep 2014
IMDEA Networks has announced that Dr. Paolo Casari will join the Institute in January 2015 in the role of Research Assistant Professor. He is a bright researcher with several years of experience, particularly focused on underwater communications and networking.

18 Sep 2014
Evgenia Christoforou, a PhD Student at IMDEA Networks and University Carlos III of Madrid under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Fernández Anta, has been awarded an FPU scholarship funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD).